When you should and should NOT speak for Free

Published by Karie Millspaugh on

When you should and should NOT speak for Free

When I started writing this blog, it started to come out as a rant about being asked to speak for free.  After cooling down, I decided to turn this into a learning blog instead.

As a Speaker’s Agent AND Public Speaker, I see the opportunity to speak for free come across my desk daily.

Some will try to sugar coat it with promises of excellent marketing exposure or (if you’re lucky) a free ticket to the event that you’re speaking at.  “Oh goodie, I’ve always wanted to attend an event about accounting and finance!”  Those that know me will chuckle.

If this happens to you, please do not get discouraged.

It doesn’t mean that you’re not worthy of payment so please keep reading…

The challenge in the speaking world is that there are many different categories to play in.

 “Pay to Play” category: Yes, you actually pay to be on a stage.  I know that this sounds WAY worse than speaking for FREE, but there is a reason this exists.

2 reasons:

  • You may want to be seen on the same stage with a well-known public figure, example, Richard Branson offers this often. Its great publicity and bragging rights.
  • Their audience is full of possible prospects for you. They are giving you the opportunity to sell from the stage and the audience is ideal for your product or service.  Oftentimes these are 3-day events with audiences of a 1000 or more.

Your payment helped to offset the marketing that advertised the event and more.

“Speak to Sell” category:  This again will feel like you’re speaking for free until you sell out 10 programs for $1500 each, totaling $15,000.  Not a bad work day.

This type of speaking will take intense sales training on your behalf.  Learning to sell from the stage doesn’t come from luck or magic, it’s a learned skill.  To learn this skill, click here to watch this webinar.

The other risky factors could be that the room you’re speaking to is not your ideal candidate and may not purchase at all.  Either way, you will want to learn this skill so that you can use it for LIVE webinars and other speaking opportunities.  You always utilize that for your behalf.

“Paid Keynote” category:

I LOVE this category and it’s the only one that my speaking agency plays in.  Keynote speakers that are very well marketed online and have a ton of experience can charge from $5-15k on average per talk.  You show up, you give your talk, you leave.

It’s a simple transaction.

Occasionally you could have the opportunity to sell books as well.  Overall, it’s a simple and fun stream of income.  Some speakers have chosen to only do paid speaking and book themselves up to 50 times a year or more while others choose to speak once a quarter.

“Speak for FREE” category: This one I detest… uh oh, I’m feeling that rant inside of me again that still wants to come out… “just breathe through it Karie.”

I honestly don’t quite understand this one.  Why would anyone want to work for Free?

Actually, it’s not even speaking for free if you have to pay for your own travel and accommodations as well.

Now you’re PAYING to speak.

Let’s do some math even though I hate accounting and finance.

Average Flight fee: $647

2 nights at a hotel: $400

3 days out of the office: $2500+

Food: $150

Uber: $75

Is it just me or did you just pay around $3772 to speak on that stage?  Gosh! I hope it was worth it!

Now if you choose this route for personal reasons, that’s fine, but I’ll never understand how an organization can expect that type of service or expense from a public figure.

In fact, I get very offended when they mention this type of speaking engagement.  I have never seen anyone fill out an application for a job that actually costs you to go to it.

Now the speaking for free opportunities can come in handy.  They are not all bad.

You may be a new speaker that needs the practice and the testimonials.  I highly recommend this for my new speakers that are just getting out there.

You may already be involved with the organization that is requesting your services.  I say yes to 1 free speaking event per quarter, IF I belong to the organization or as a favor for a friend.

The other stipulation that I have is that it has to be local.  I’m not spending anything out of pocket other than driving across town.

Another nice perk if you choose to speak for free is if they have an agreement with you that they will be recording the event and will give you the footage, so you can create a great speaking reel for yourself.  (we all know how much of a pain it is to get a speaking reel these days… if you need help with that, we offer it here).

In my humble opinion that is the only time that you speak for free.  For practice, for favors, for footage… otherwise, stop doing it.

The more we speak for free, the more our value drops across the globe.

Public Speaking is MOST peoples greatest fear.  The fact that you chose to be on the stage verses the audience, all by itself, deserves top dollar!

Practice your skill, know your worth then go out there and charge for it!

Big Hugs! Big Love!

Karie Millspaugh

Founder of 5 Star Keynote Speakers

Public Speaker and Best-Selling author








Categories: Blog

Karie Millspaugh

Karie Millspaugh Promotes People with Purpose with her Public Relations and Marketing Agency. She assists her clients to be seen online, TV and on the stage with her Public Relations and Speaking Agency. Karie is also a public speaker, best-selling author, and designates most of her time empowering her audience in entrepreneurship, leadership, and business. She has started up multiple businesses herself and enjoys helping others all over the globe with their own business idea. Her PR, branding and marketing agency will tackle the challenges that most people face when getting their name out there.


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